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The recreational area of the university as a basis for the personal and physical development of students with health related conditions
The recreational area of the university as a basis for the personal and physical development of students with health related conditions
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The recreational area of the university as a basis for the personal and physical development of students with health related conditions
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The recreational area of the university as a basis for the personal and physical development of students with health related conditions
The recreational area of the university as a basis for the personal and physical development of students with health related conditions

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The recreational area of the university as a basis for the personal and physical development of students with health related conditions
The recreational area of the university as a basis for the personal and physical development of students with health related conditions
Journal Article

The recreational area of the university as a basis for the personal and physical development of students with health related conditions

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In society, both in Russia and abroad, there is a situation with a pronounced tendency towards deterioration in the health of young people, the growth of persons with health related conditions. This problem poses special tasks for the State and society to adapt and to integrate such people into society. The paper examines the possibilities of the recreational area of the university and motor technologies for people with disabilities. The importance of using the recreational environment of the university, built for the needs of both a healthy person and those with disabilities, is emphasized. The research work contains the results of an experiment to improve the musculoskeletal system of students with health related conditions using the conditions of the recreational environment of the university. The practical significance of the work was expressed in the justification of the expediency of using a set of exercises for general physical fitness and special gymnastics for the feet for the physical development of students with health related conditions.
EDP Sciences