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Folk Medicine and Its Second Life
Folk Medicine and Its Second Life
Journal Article

Folk Medicine and Its Second Life

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Agnes said that her brother's family, even though he has ceased practising due to ill health, is still affected by the number of callers: . they would have found it I think even more intrusive into their lives than my sons would have found it ... because James would have been the main person doing it at all times. Because even since he has stopped ... they have had to take their phone off the register. .. [...]the tradition is discovered by strangers/outsiders and is documented: \"The discoverers of folklore are usually outsiders\" (184). [...]it is re-discovered by another generation but is now in a new format. The continued demand of people for the different cures shows that the healers are responding to a lived tradition in the community. Because they do not advertise, they are not telling people their cure is the answer.
Dra. Rosa Gonzalez on behalf of AEDEI