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The Sufyānī in Early Islamic Kerygma: An Enquiry into His Origins and Early Development
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The Sufyānī in Early Islamic Kerygma: An Enquiry into His Origins and Early Development
The Sufyānī in Early Islamic Kerygma: An Enquiry into His Origins and Early Development

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The Sufyānī in Early Islamic Kerygma: An Enquiry into His Origins and Early Development
The Sufyānī in Early Islamic Kerygma: An Enquiry into His Origins and Early Development
Journal Article

The Sufyānī in Early Islamic Kerygma: An Enquiry into His Origins and Early Development

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The present study aims to contribute to the quest for the origins of belief in the eschatological figure of the Sufyānī, a matter of hot debate since the late nineteenth century. To this end, three different bodies of evidence are produced and analysed: reports indicating that the Sufyānī was, indeed, thought of as a redemptive personality in some Syrian quarters, traditions on him in the Muslim endtimes literature that contain an ex eventu pronouncement, and reports concerning the propaganda activities of the first Sufyānī claimant, Abū Muḥammad Ziyād ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Yazīd “al-Sufyānī”, in the historical record. Making use of hitherto unavailable sources and looking afresh at the previously studied sources, it is argued that the myth of the Sufyānī emerged during the counterrevolutionary revolt of Abū Muḥammad al-Sufyānī in 132 ah, with vague residues of it traceable to his earlier military activities, against the Umayyad caliph Yazīd III, in 126 ah.