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A 61 year old man with pancreatitis, pituitary dysfunction, and painful exophthalmos
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A 61 year old man with pancreatitis, pituitary dysfunction, and painful exophthalmos
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A 61 year old man with pancreatitis, pituitary dysfunction, and painful exophthalmos
A 61 year old man with pancreatitis, pituitary dysfunction, and painful exophthalmos

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A 61 year old man with pancreatitis, pituitary dysfunction, and painful exophthalmos
A 61 year old man with pancreatitis, pituitary dysfunction, and painful exophthalmos
Journal Article

A 61 year old man with pancreatitis, pituitary dysfunction, and painful exophthalmos

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There is some evidence of a positive correlation between serum IgG4 levels and the number of organs involved,7 and an association may exist between extra-ophthalmic involvement and higher serum IgG4 levels.8 Serum IgG4 levels lack diagnostic sensitivity but may have a role in monitoring disease activity and assessing response to treatment. 3. Glucocorticoids (often prolonged high dose courses) are a well established first line treatment for many autoimmune diseases.9 More prospective clinical trials into remission maintenance and the use of second-line immunosuppressive drugs are urgently needed. [...]details of The BMJ policy on financial interests is here: https://www.bmj.com/about-bmj/resources-authors/forms-policies-and-checklists/declaration-competing-interests Provenance and peer review: not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. 1 Uchida K Masamune A Shimosegawa T Okazaki K. Prevalence of IgG4-related disease in Japan based on nationwide survey in 2009.