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Modeling of Multiscale Wave Interactions Based on an Iterative Scheme of MoM-PO-EPA Algorithm
Modeling of Multiscale Wave Interactions Based on an Iterative Scheme of MoM-PO-EPA Algorithm
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Modeling of Multiscale Wave Interactions Based on an Iterative Scheme of MoM-PO-EPA Algorithm
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Modeling of Multiscale Wave Interactions Based on an Iterative Scheme of MoM-PO-EPA Algorithm
Modeling of Multiscale Wave Interactions Based on an Iterative Scheme of MoM-PO-EPA Algorithm

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Modeling of Multiscale Wave Interactions Based on an Iterative Scheme of MoM-PO-EPA Algorithm
Modeling of Multiscale Wave Interactions Based on an Iterative Scheme of MoM-PO-EPA Algorithm
Journal Article

Modeling of Multiscale Wave Interactions Based on an Iterative Scheme of MoM-PO-EPA Algorithm

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Electromagnetic modeling of multiscale wave interactions is a challenging task. This is because wave physics exhibit different characteristics at different length scales that require suitable modeling algorithms. Combining these algorithms to model multiscale wave physics requires careful design and tuning. In this study, we investigated a hybrid algorithm based on the method of moment (MoM), iterative physical optics (IPO) approximation, and the equivalence principle algorithm (EPA). EPA modeled targets with details, MoM modeled targets with moderate scales, and IPO modeled electrically large scatterers. The virtual equivalence surfaces in EPA worked as interfaces between relatively large and small scatterers. An iterative scheme is used to solve the targets instead of a matrix equation with large dimensions. This algorithm achieved a good balance between accuracy and efficiency. Numerical examples of modeling the plane-wave scattering of multiscale targets verify its performance for 2D and 3D problems. The iterative scheme can become faster and need less memory usage when solving the multiscale scatterers.