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A Fast, Hybrid, Time-Domain Discontinuous Galerkin-Physical Optics Method for Composite Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis
A Fast, Hybrid, Time-Domain Discontinuous Galerkin-Physical Optics Method for Composite Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis
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A Fast, Hybrid, Time-Domain Discontinuous Galerkin-Physical Optics Method for Composite Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis
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A Fast, Hybrid, Time-Domain Discontinuous Galerkin-Physical Optics Method for Composite Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis
A Fast, Hybrid, Time-Domain Discontinuous Galerkin-Physical Optics Method for Composite Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis

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A Fast, Hybrid, Time-Domain Discontinuous Galerkin-Physical Optics Method for Composite Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis
A Fast, Hybrid, Time-Domain Discontinuous Galerkin-Physical Optics Method for Composite Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis
Journal Article

A Fast, Hybrid, Time-Domain Discontinuous Galerkin-Physical Optics Method for Composite Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis

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To accelerate the solution of transient electromagnetic scattering from composite scatters, a novel hybrid discontinuous Galerkin time domain (DGTD) and time-domain physical optics (TDPO) method is proposed. The DGTD method is used to solve the accurate scattering field of the multi-scale objects region, and a hybrid explicit-implicit time integration method is also used to improve the efficiency of multi-scale problems in the time domain. Meanwhile, the TDPO method is used to accelerate the speed of surface current integration in an electrically large region. In addition, the DGTDPO method considers the mutual coupling between two regions, and effectively reduces the number of numerical calculations for the other space of the composite target, thereby significantly reducing the computer memory consumption. Numerical results certified the high efficiency and accuracy of the hybrid DGTDPO. According to the results, in comparison with the DGTD algorithm in the entire computational domain, the DGTDPO method can reduce computing time and memory by 90% and 70% respectively. Meanwhile, the normalized root mean square deviation (NRMSD) of the time-domain, high-frequency approximation method is over 0.2, and that of the DGTDPO method is only 0.0971. That is, compared with the approximation methods, the hybrid method improves the accuracy by more than 64%.