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Development of a Promising Method for Producing Oligomeric Mixture of Branched Alkylene Guanidines to Improve Substance Quality and Evaluate Their Antiviral Activity against SARS-CoV-2
Development of a Promising Method for Producing Oligomeric Mixture of Branched Alkylene Guanidines to Improve Substance Quality and Evaluate Their Antiviral Activity against SARS-CoV-2
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Development of a Promising Method for Producing Oligomeric Mixture of Branched Alkylene Guanidines to Improve Substance Quality and Evaluate Their Antiviral Activity against SARS-CoV-2
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Development of a Promising Method for Producing Oligomeric Mixture of Branched Alkylene Guanidines to Improve Substance Quality and Evaluate Their Antiviral Activity against SARS-CoV-2
Development of a Promising Method for Producing Oligomeric Mixture of Branched Alkylene Guanidines to Improve Substance Quality and Evaluate Their Antiviral Activity against SARS-CoV-2

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Development of a Promising Method for Producing Oligomeric Mixture of Branched Alkylene Guanidines to Improve Substance Quality and Evaluate Their Antiviral Activity against SARS-CoV-2
Development of a Promising Method for Producing Oligomeric Mixture of Branched Alkylene Guanidines to Improve Substance Quality and Evaluate Their Antiviral Activity against SARS-CoV-2
Journal Article

Development of a Promising Method for Producing Oligomeric Mixture of Branched Alkylene Guanidines to Improve Substance Quality and Evaluate Their Antiviral Activity against SARS-CoV-2

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This paper reports the synthesis of branched alkylene guanidines using microfluidic technologies. We describe the preparation of guanidine derivatives at lower temperatures, and with significantly less time than that required in the previously applicable method. Furthermore, the use of microfluidics allows the attainment of high-purity products with a low residual monomer content, which can expand the range of applications of this class of compounds. For all the samples obtained, the molecular-weight characteristics are calculated, based on which the optimal condensation conditions are established. Additionally, in this work, the antiviral activity of the alkylene guanidine salt against the SARS-CoV-2 virus is confirmed.