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Early warm compress treatment can promote recanalization of vascular embolisms and reduce tissue necrosis after polymethyl methacrylate injection
Early warm compress treatment can promote recanalization of vascular embolisms and reduce tissue necrosis after polymethyl methacrylate injection
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Early warm compress treatment can promote recanalization of vascular embolisms and reduce tissue necrosis after polymethyl methacrylate injection
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Early warm compress treatment can promote recanalization of vascular embolisms and reduce tissue necrosis after polymethyl methacrylate injection
Early warm compress treatment can promote recanalization of vascular embolisms and reduce tissue necrosis after polymethyl methacrylate injection

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Early warm compress treatment can promote recanalization of vascular embolisms and reduce tissue necrosis after polymethyl methacrylate injection
Early warm compress treatment can promote recanalization of vascular embolisms and reduce tissue necrosis after polymethyl methacrylate injection
Journal Article

Early warm compress treatment can promote recanalization of vascular embolisms and reduce tissue necrosis after polymethyl methacrylate injection

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Injection of fillers for soft tissue augmentation can lead to a variety of complications, among which vascular occlusion caused by intravascular injection of filler will induce severe or permanent damage. The treatment strategies for intravascular embolization caused by injection include warm compress application, but the exact beneficial effects of this therapy have not been confirmed. The purpose of this study is to construct an intravascular injection embolism model and observe the effectiveness of warm and cold compress through a randomized, controlled trial. Thirty rabbit's sixty ears were randomly divided into warm compress group, cold compress group, and control group. Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) was slowly injected into the central ear artery (CEA) to cause vascular embolism. Warm compress and cold compress treatment were performed respectively. The vascular recanalization and other related indexes were observed at 30 min, 1 day, and 7 days after injection, and the tissue necrosis was analyzed at 7 days. In the early stage of vascular embolization, warm compress can immediately promote vascular dilatation, blood circulation and partial blood flow recovery. One day after intravascular injection, warm compress can reduce intravascular embolization and reduce the incidence of tissue necrosis. At 7 days after intravascular injection, the vessels in the cold compress and control groups were still embolized while the percentage of recanalization in the warm compress group was 47.4% (P < 0.000). Early-stage warm compress after intravascular PMMA injection is conducive to recanalization of vascular embolization and reducing tissue necrosis.