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The past, present and future of anti-malarial medicines
The past, present and future of anti-malarial medicines
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The past, present and future of anti-malarial medicines
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The past, present and future of anti-malarial medicines
The past, present and future of anti-malarial medicines

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The past, present and future of anti-malarial medicines
The past, present and future of anti-malarial medicines
Journal Article

The past, present and future of anti-malarial medicines

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Great progress has been made in recent years to reduce the high level of suffering caused by malaria worldwide. Notably, the use of insecticide-treated mosquito nets for malaria prevention and the use of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) for malaria treatment have made a significant impact. Nevertheless, the development of resistance to the past and present anti-malarial drugs highlights the need for continued research to stay one step ahead. New drugs are needed, particularly those with new mechanisms of action. Here the range of anti-malarial medicines developed over the years are reviewed, beginning with the discovery of quinine in the early 1800s, through to modern day ACT and the recently-approved tafenoquine. A number of new potential anti-malarial drugs currently in development are outlined, along with a description of the hit to lead campaign from which it originated. Finally, promising novel mechanisms of action for these and future anti-malarial medicines are outlined.