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Seeing The Invisible: National Security Intelligence In An Uncertain Age
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Seeing The Invisible: National Security Intelligence In An Uncertain Age
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Seeing The Invisible: National Security Intelligence In An Uncertain Age
Seeing The Invisible: National Security Intelligence In An Uncertain Age

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Seeing The Invisible: National Security Intelligence In An Uncertain Age
Seeing The Invisible: National Security Intelligence In An Uncertain Age

Seeing The Invisible: National Security Intelligence In An Uncertain Age

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Intelligence is critical to ensuring national security, especially with asymmetric threats making up most of the new challenges. Knowledge, rather than power, is the only weapon that can prevail in a complex and uncertain environment awash with asymmetric threats, some known, many currently unknown. This book shows how such a changing national security environment has had profound implications for the strategic intelligence requirements of states in the 21st century.The book shows up the fallacy underlying the age-old assumption that intelligence agencies must do a better job of connecting the dots and avoiding future failures. It argues that this cannot and will not happen for a variety of reasons. Instead of seeking to predict discrete future events, the strategic intelligence community must focus rather on risk-based anticipatory warnings concerning the nature and impact of a range of potential threats. In this respect, the book argues for a full and creative exploitation of technology to support - but not supplant - the work of the strategic intelligence community, and illustrates this ideal with reference to Singapore's path-breaking Risk Assessment and Horizon Scanning (RAHS) program.