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Biomolecule Protective and Photocatalytic Potential of Cellulose Supported MoSsub.2/GO Nanocomposite
Biomolecule Protective and Photocatalytic Potential of Cellulose Supported MoSsub.2/GO Nanocomposite
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Biomolecule Protective and Photocatalytic Potential of Cellulose Supported MoSsub.2/GO Nanocomposite
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Biomolecule Protective and Photocatalytic Potential of Cellulose Supported MoSsub.2/GO Nanocomposite
Biomolecule Protective and Photocatalytic Potential of Cellulose Supported MoSsub.2/GO Nanocomposite

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Biomolecule Protective and Photocatalytic Potential of Cellulose Supported MoSsub.2/GO Nanocomposite
Biomolecule Protective and Photocatalytic Potential of Cellulose Supported MoSsub.2/GO Nanocomposite
Journal Article

Biomolecule Protective and Photocatalytic Potential of Cellulose Supported MoSsub.2/GO Nanocomposite

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In the current study, cellulose/MoS[sub.2]/GO nanocomposite has been synthesized by a hydrothermal method. Reports published regarding efficiency of Mo and graphene oxide-based nanocomposites for environmental remediation motivated to synthesize cellulose supported MoS[sub.2]/GO nanocomposite. Formation of nanocomposite was initially confirmed by UV-visible and FTIR spectroscopic techniques. Particle size and morphology of the nanocomposite were assessed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and it was found having particle size ranging from 50 to 80nm and heterogeneous structure. The XRD analysis also confirmed the structure of the nanocomposite having cellulose, MoS[sub.2], and GO. The synthesized nanocomposite was further tested for biomolecule protective potential employing different radical scavenging assays. Results of radical DPPH[sup.●] (50%) and ABTS[sup.●+] (51%) scavenging studies indicate that nanocomposites can be used as a biomolecule protective agent. In addition, nanocomposite was also evaluated for photocatalytic potential, and the results showed excellent photocatalytic properties for the degradation of 4-nitrophenol up to 75% and methylene blue and methyl orange up to 85% and 70%, respectively. So, this study confirmed that cellulose supported/stabilized MoS[sub.2]/GO nanocomposite can be synthesized by an ecofriendly, cost-effective, and easy hydrothermal method having promising biomolecule protective and photocatalytic potential.
Hindawi Limited