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Brigham and Women's Hospital Plans Large MUMPS-Based PC Network
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Brigham and Women's Hospital Plans Large MUMPS-Based PC Network
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Brigham and Women's Hospital Plans Large MUMPS-Based PC Network
Brigham and Women's Hospital Plans Large MUMPS-Based PC Network

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Brigham and Women's Hospital Plans Large MUMPS-Based PC Network
Brigham and Women's Hospital Plans Large MUMPS-Based PC Network
Journal Article

Brigham and Women's Hospital Plans Large MUMPS-Based PC Network

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An affiliate of Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital (Boston) is one of the largest hospitals in the US. The hospital systems run many applications that are highly integrated, with about 30,000 interconnections between them. Brigham decided to develop a new platform that would be based on industry standards and that could keep up with advances in technology. To develop new applications, the facility chose to work with Co-Windows, designed by the MUMPS Collaborative. For a new platform, Brigham decided on standard MUMPS (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System) and networked personal computers (PC), which give more power to each user. Eventually, the hospital expects to have about 4,000 PCs, 100 primary servers, 200 local servers, and about 50 PC-application servers.