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34,243 result(s) for "Telecommuting."
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HOW HAS INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION SATISFACTION IMPACTED TELEWORKERS' JOB SATISFACTION? THE ROLE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AWARENESS AND CREATIVE PERFORMANCE/Como a satisfacao com a comunicacao interpessoal impacta a satisfacao no trabalho no caso de teletrabalhadores? O papel da conscientizacao em tecnologia da informacao e do desempenho criativo/Como impacto la satisfaccion de la comunicacion interpersonal en la satisfaccion laboral de los teletrabajadores? El papel de la concienciacion sobre
With COVID-19, a significant number of companies have started to work remotely, and communication has started to occur mainly through technological tools. This study investigates the relationship between teleworkers' interpersonal communication and job satisfaction through the mediating role of information technology (IT) awareness and creative performance. Data were collected from 683 teleworkers and analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) and PROCESS Macro. The findings indicated that (1) teleworkers' interpersonal communication satisfaction is positively associated with job satisfaction, and (2) IT awareness and creative performance mediate the relationship between interpersonal communication satisfaction and job satisfaction. Finally, the study's theoretical and managerial implications are discussed. The results emphasize the role of interpersonal communication satisfaction on job satisfaction and show that both employees and companies should receive the necessary training for a sufficient level of employee IT knowledge. Keywords: telework, interpersonal communication satisfaction, information technologies, creative performance, job satisfaction. A pandemia de Covid-19 levou uma parte significativa das empresas a adotar o trabalho remoto e a estabelecer comunicacao por meio de ferramentas tecnologicas. Este estudo investiga a relacao entre a satisfacao na comunicacao interpessoal dos teletrabalhadores e a satisfacao no trabalho por meio do papel mediador da conscientizacao em tecnologias da informacao (TI) e do desempenho criativo. Os dados foram coletados de 683 teletrabalhadores e analisados usando modelagem de equacoes estruturais (SEM) e a PROCESS Macro. Os resultados indicaram que (1) a satisfacao na comunicacao interpessoal dos teletrabalhadores esta positivamente associada a satisfacao no trabalho e (2) a conscientizacao em TI e o desempenho criativo sao mediadores da relacao entre a satisfacao na comunicacao interpessoal e a satisfacao no trabalho. Finalmente, as implicacoes teoricas e gerenciais do estudo foram discutidas. Os resultados chamam a atencao para o papel da satisfacao na comunicacao interpessoal na satisfacao no trabalho, apontando tambem que tanto os funcionarios quanto as empresas devem receber o treinamento necessario de maneira que os colaboradores alcancem um nivel adequado de conhecimento de TI. Palavras-chave: teletrabalho, satisfacao com a comunicacao interpessoal, tecnologias da informacao, desempenho criativo, satisfacao no trabalho. Con la COVID-19, una parte importante de las empresas paso a trabajar de forma remota, y a establecer comunicacion a traves de herramientas tecnologicas. Este estudio investiga la relacion entre la satisfaccion de la comunicacion interpersonal de los teletrabajadores y la satisfaccion laboral a traves del papel mediador de la concienciacion sobre las tecnologias de la informacion (TI) y el desempeno creativo. Se recopilaron datos de 683 teletrabajadores y se analizaron mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) y PROCESS Macro. Los hallazgos indicaron que (1) la satisfaccion de la comunicacion interpersonal de los teletrabajadores se asocia positivamente con la satisfaccion laboral (2) la concienciacion sobre la TI y el desempeno creativo median la relacion entre la satisfaccion de la comunicacion interpersonal y la satisfaccion laboral. Finalmente, se discutieron las implicaciones teoricas y gerenciales. En los resultados de la investigacion, ademas de enfatizar el papel de la satisfaccion de la comunicacion interpersonal en la satisfaccion laboral, tambien se menciono que tanto los empleados como las empresas deben recibir la capacitacion necesaria para tener un nivel suficiente de conocimiento de TI. Palabras clave: teletrabajo, satisfaccion de la comunicacion interpersonal, tecnologias de la informacion, desempeno creativo, satisfaccion laboral.
100 Years of the Works Council Act and Current Participation of Employees In Germany/100 Jahre Betriebsrategesetz und aktuelle Partizipation von Beschaftigten in Deutschland
Tin Germany, the first Works Council Act came into force at the beginning of 1920. After it was suspended in 1934, the Allied Control Council reintroduced co-determination in 1946 and it was finally established after several reforms. However, while co-determination is firmly anchored in large companies, medium-sized companies tend to opt for less institutionalised forms of participation. However, the change in work organisation through crowdworking, teleworking and solo self-employment poses new challenges for company cooperation. At present, however, it is not yet apparent that works councils are unable to respond appropriately to these challenges with the powers already laid down in the works constitution. The anniversary should be an occasion for more intensive research and discussion on the future of the German works constitution and alternative forms of participation that are being practiced. JEL Classification: J50, J53, J83 Am 4. Februar 1920 trat in Deutschland das erste Betriebsrategesetz in Kraft. Nachdem es 1934 ausgesetzt worden war, fuhrte der Alliierte Kontrollrat die betriebliche Mitbestimmung 1946 wieder ein. Nach mehreren Reformen hat sich die Mitbestimmung etabliert. Wahrend aber in Grossunternehmen die betriebliche Mitbestimmung fest verankert ist, wird im Mittelstand eher auf weniger institutionalisierte Beteiligungsformen gesetzt. Der Wandel der Arbeitsorganisation durch Crowdworking, Telearbeit und Solo-Selbstandigkeit stellt allerdings die betriebliche Zusammenarbeit vor neue Herausforderungen. Derzeit ist noch nicht erkennbar, dass die Betriebsrate darauf nicht mithilfe der bereits in der Betriebsverfassung angelegten Befugnisse angemessen reagieren konnen. Das Jubilaum sollte Anlass dafur sein, intensiver uber die Zukunft der deutschen Betriebsverfassung und uber die alternativ praktizierten Partizipationsformen zu forschen und zu diskutieren.
An Empirical Assessment of Telework Readiness on Indian Industries
Telework, more popularly known as remote working or Work from Home, is being talked about more and more in the past few years. Although teleworking is not a very new concept, very few organizations have openly adopted the practice in India until recently. This study is aimed to propose a Telework Readiness Model based on different factors including management, culture, communication, technology, employee satisfaction and training. The survey was conducted during the first four months of 2020. The sample comprises 313 professionals working in various organizations across different industries in India. The study model consists of two parts including questionnaire and the evaluation rules, which are scored by the scores obtained from the responses of various employees of different organizations. The study demonstrates the pre-evaluation model in the Indian context before designing and launching telework in the organizations at a larger scale (The terms telework, work from home, remote working have been used interchangeably in this study but essentially mean the same).
Être efficace en télétravail
Un guide pratique et accessible pour profiter au mieux des avantages du télétravail! Comme de plus en plus de travailleurs, vous désirez vous lancer dans l'aventure du télétravail? Prester une partie de ses heures à la maison est devenu plus aisé depuis quelques années grâce au développement des nouvelles technologies et en a déjà séduit plus d'un par ses nombreux avantages. Mais le travail à domicile présente également certains risques et il convient de bien réfléchir avant de prendre sa décision! Ce livre vous aidera à: • Envisager les avantages et les inconvénients du télétravail • Bien organiser votre espace et votre temps de travail • Jongler efficacement entre vie professionnelle et privée • Et bien plus encore! Le mot de l'éditeur: « Avec l'auteure, Maïlys Charlier, nous avons cherché à présenter aux lecteurs des conseils pratiques pour trouver un nouvel équilibre grâce au homeworking, sans se laisser emporter par les pièges que comporte cette forme de travail moderne. » Laure Delacroix À PROPOS DE LA SÉRIE 50MINUTES | Coaching pro La série « Coaching pro » de la collection « 50MINUTES » s'adresse à tous ceux qui, en période de transition ou non, désirent acquérir de nouvelles compétences, réagir face à une situation qui les incommode, ou tout simplement réévaluer leur équilibre de travail. Dans un style simple et dynamique, nos auteurs combinent de la théorie, des pistes de réflexion, des exemples concrets et des exercices pratiques pour permettre à chacun d'avancer sur le chemin de l'épanouissement professionnel.
The puzzle and persistence of biglaw clustering
Elite U.S.-based global law firms (“Biglaw” firms) concentrate in the costliest districts of superstar cities, especially two neighborhoods in Manhattan. This pattern has persisted despite both the dispersal of Biglaw clients across less-dense, lower-cost U.S. geographies and the development of telework capacity. It suggests a puzzle: law is among the occupations most conducive to remote work, yet Biglaw prior to the coronavirus pandemic required in-person work in the priciest places—meaning it paid (and continues to pay) a premium on both of its biggest expenses, wages and real estate. How might this equilibrium be explained, and what might lead it to change? This Article contends that Biglaw clustering reflects a management preference for the exploitation of proven strategies over the exploration of novel and uncertain ones—but that the pandemic telework experience is eroding this dichotomy. This analysis has direct implications for private international law (“PIL”) practice, where large-scale transactions and disputes are handled by Biglaw firms and involve significant international travel. This Article contributes to a growing literature on telework’s impacts on cities, labor markets, and industries, and is the first to extend that focus to Biglaw and PIL. A post-pandemic Biglaw embrace of dispersal via telework would destabilize standard accounts of collaboration in agglomeration economies. While the Article expresses skepticism about that outcome, it identifies a mechanism by which it might plausibly come about. Crucially, this mechanism—the replacement of an exploit vs. explore choice with two different exploit options—posits as the key driver not technology but management learning and innovation that quickened during the pandemic.