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Photoactive platinum diimine complexes showing induced cancer cell death by apoptosis
Photoactive platinum diimine complexes showing induced cancer cell death by apoptosis
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Photoactive platinum diimine complexes showing induced cancer cell death by apoptosis
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Photoactive platinum diimine complexes showing induced cancer cell death by apoptosis
Photoactive platinum diimine complexes showing induced cancer cell death by apoptosis

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Photoactive platinum diimine complexes showing induced cancer cell death by apoptosis
Photoactive platinum diimine complexes showing induced cancer cell death by apoptosis
Journal Article

Photoactive platinum diimine complexes showing induced cancer cell death by apoptosis

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Photoinduced cytotoxicity mediated by a triphenylenamine-modified platinum diimine complex in human breast adenocarcinoma cells has been studied by cell viability assay. The triphenylenamine-modified platinum diimine complex showed more potent cytotoxicity in light than its carboxylate-modified analogue. To gain insights into the mechanism of photodynamic activity of this class of platinum diimine complexes, flow cytometric analyses were performed. The results suggest that upon irradiation the two platinum diimine complexes studied could induce cell cycle arrest in G 2 /M or S phase, and both of them could induce cancer cell death by apoptosis.
