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Patterns of Movement Reflexes as the Result of the Order of Merge and Agree
Patterns of Movement Reflexes as the Result of the Order of Merge and Agree
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Patterns of Movement Reflexes as the Result of the Order of Merge and Agree
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Patterns of Movement Reflexes as the Result of the Order of Merge and Agree
Patterns of Movement Reflexes as the Result of the Order of Merge and Agree

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Patterns of Movement Reflexes as the Result of the Order of Merge and Agree
Patterns of Movement Reflexes as the Result of the Order of Merge and Agree
Journal Article

Patterns of Movement Reflexes as the Result of the Order of Merge and Agree

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In this article, I analyze patterns of reflexes of Ā-movement found within and across languages: reflexes may occur in all or none of the clauses of the dependency, in the clause where the dependency terminates, or solely in clauses where it does not terminate. I argue that the variation can best be captured by the variable timing of Agree and two subtypes of internal Merge (final vs. intermediate movement steps) triggered by a single head: early movement feeds Agree and gives rise to a reflex; late movement has the opposite effect. Since the subtypes of movement can apply at different points relative to Agree, reflexes may occur only in some clauses of the dependency.