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Vaccinium Species (Ericaceae): Phytochemistry and Biological Properties of Medicinal Plants
Vaccinium Species (Ericaceae): Phytochemistry and Biological Properties of Medicinal Plants
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Vaccinium Species (Ericaceae): Phytochemistry and Biological Properties of Medicinal Plants
Vaccinium Species (Ericaceae): Phytochemistry and Biological Properties of Medicinal Plants

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Vaccinium Species (Ericaceae): Phytochemistry and Biological Properties of Medicinal Plants
Vaccinium Species (Ericaceae): Phytochemistry and Biological Properties of Medicinal Plants
Journal Article

Vaccinium Species (Ericaceae): Phytochemistry and Biological Properties of Medicinal Plants

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The L. (Ericaceae) genus consists of a globally widespread and diverse genus of around 4250 species, of which the most valuable is the subfamily. The current review focuses on the distribution, history, bioactive compounds, and health-related effects of three species: cranberry, blueberry, and huckleberry. Several studies highlight that the consumption of spp. presents numerous beneficial health-related outcomes, including antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and protective effects against diabetes, obesity, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and cardiovascular disorders. These plants' prevalence and commercial value have enhanced in the past several years; thus, the generated by-products have also increased. Consequently, the identified phenolic compounds found in the discarded leaves of these plants are also presented, and their impact on health and economic value is discussed. The main bioactive compounds identified in this genus belong to anthocyanins (cyanidin, malvidin, and delphinidin), flavonoids (quercetin, isoquercetin, and astragalin), phenolic acids (gallic, -Coumaric, cinnamic, syringic, ferulic, and caffeic acids), and iridoids.