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RNA-Seq profiling of circular RNAs in human colorectal Cancer liver metastasis and the potential biomarkers
RNA-Seq profiling of circular RNAs in human colorectal Cancer liver metastasis and the potential biomarkers
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RNA-Seq profiling of circular RNAs in human colorectal Cancer liver metastasis and the potential biomarkers
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RNA-Seq profiling of circular RNAs in human colorectal Cancer liver metastasis and the potential biomarkers
RNA-Seq profiling of circular RNAs in human colorectal Cancer liver metastasis and the potential biomarkers

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RNA-Seq profiling of circular RNAs in human colorectal Cancer liver metastasis and the potential biomarkers
RNA-Seq profiling of circular RNAs in human colorectal Cancer liver metastasis and the potential biomarkers
Journal Article

RNA-Seq profiling of circular RNAs in human colorectal Cancer liver metastasis and the potential biomarkers

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In this study, the secondary sequencing was used to profile circRNA expression in the tissue samples from three CRC patients with liver metastasis and three matched CRC patients. After verified some candidates in another 40 CRC and CRC-m samples by qRT-PCR, we further demonstrated that circRNA_0001178 and circRNA_0000826 were significantly upregulated in CRC-m tissues, and both of them had the potential for diagnosing liver metastases from colorectal cancer. Finally, the networks of circRNA-miRNA-mRNA base on these two circRNAs were constructed respectively. This study showed that differentially expressed circRNAs were existed between the tissue samples from colorectal cancer patients with and without liver metastasis. And also suggested that circRNA_0001178 and circRNA_0000826 may serve as a potential diagnostic biomarker for liver metastases from colorectal cancer.