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Edge Length and Surface Area of a Blank: Experimental Assessment of Measures, Size Predictions and Utility
Edge Length and Surface Area of a Blank: Experimental Assessment of Measures, Size Predictions and Utility
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Edge Length and Surface Area of a Blank: Experimental Assessment of Measures, Size Predictions and Utility
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Edge Length and Surface Area of a Blank: Experimental Assessment of Measures, Size Predictions and Utility
Edge Length and Surface Area of a Blank: Experimental Assessment of Measures, Size Predictions and Utility

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Edge Length and Surface Area of a Blank: Experimental Assessment of Measures, Size Predictions and Utility
Edge Length and Surface Area of a Blank: Experimental Assessment of Measures, Size Predictions and Utility
Journal Article

Edge Length and Surface Area of a Blank: Experimental Assessment of Measures, Size Predictions and Utility

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Blank size and form represent one of the main sources of variation in lithic assemblages. They reflect economic properties of blanks and factors such as efficiency and use life. These properties require reliable measures of size, namely edge length and surface area. These measures, however, are not easily captured with calipers. Most attempts to quantify these features employ estimates; however, the efficacy of these estimations for measuring critical features such as blank surface area and edge length has never been properly evaluated. In addition, these parameters are even more difficult to acquire for retouched implements as their original size and hence indication of their previous utility have been lost. It has been suggested, in controlled experimental conditions, that two platform variables, platform thickness and exterior platform angle, are crucial in determining blank size and shape meaning that knappers can control the interaction between size and efficiency by selecting specific core angles and controlling where fracture is initiated. The robustness of these models has rarely been tested and confirmed in context other than controlled experiments. In this paper, we evaluate which currently employed caliper measurement methods result in the highest accuracy of size estimations of blanks, and we evaluate how platform variables can be used to indirectly infer aspects of size on retouched artifacts. Furthermore, we investigate measures of different platform management strategies that control the shape and size of artifacts. To investigate these questions, we created an experimental lithic assemblage, we digitized images to calculate 2D surface area and edge length, which are used as a point of comparison for the caliper measurements and additional analyses. The analysis of aspects of size determinations and the utility of blanks contributes to our understanding of the technological strategies of prehistoric knappers and what economic decisions they made during process of blank production.