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Utilizing Landsat-8 and ASTER data in geologic mapping of hyper-arid mountainous region: case of Gabal Batoga area, South Eastern Desert of Egypt
Utilizing Landsat-8 and ASTER data in geologic mapping of hyper-arid mountainous region: case of Gabal Batoga area, South Eastern Desert of Egypt
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Utilizing Landsat-8 and ASTER data in geologic mapping of hyper-arid mountainous region: case of Gabal Batoga area, South Eastern Desert of Egypt
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Utilizing Landsat-8 and ASTER data in geologic mapping of hyper-arid mountainous region: case of Gabal Batoga area, South Eastern Desert of Egypt
Utilizing Landsat-8 and ASTER data in geologic mapping of hyper-arid mountainous region: case of Gabal Batoga area, South Eastern Desert of Egypt

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Utilizing Landsat-8 and ASTER data in geologic mapping of hyper-arid mountainous region: case of Gabal Batoga area, South Eastern Desert of Egypt
Utilizing Landsat-8 and ASTER data in geologic mapping of hyper-arid mountainous region: case of Gabal Batoga area, South Eastern Desert of Egypt
Journal Article

Utilizing Landsat-8 and ASTER data in geologic mapping of hyper-arid mountainous region: case of Gabal Batoga area, South Eastern Desert of Egypt

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Landsat-8 and ASTER images were utilized to derive geological information and mapping of a hyper-arid mountainous region. Principal component analyses and band rationing techniques in conjunction with petrography and field investigations enabled to produce a modified new geologic map of Gabal Batoga area, along the Red Sea coast of Egypt. The area is built by non-consanguineous diverse Pan-African basement rock units. These rock units are widely distributed in the Arabian-Nubian Shield. ASTER principal component images (PC2, PC5, PC7) and (PC2, PC3, PC8) as well as band ratio images (b4/b7, b3/b4, b2/b1) were effective in accurate lithological discrimination of the exposed rock units in the study area. The process was also enhanced and emphasized by Landsat-8 principal component images (PC2, PC4, and PC7) and band ratio (b6/b2, b6/b7, b6/b5 × b4/b5). The used methodology and techniques can be applicable in many similar arid and hyper-arid areas in the Arabian-Nubian Shield and elsewhere.