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\How Newness Enters the World\: Cultural Creolization in Swedish-American Hymnals Published at Augustana College, 1901–1925
\How Newness Enters the World\: Cultural Creolization in Swedish-American Hymnals Published at Augustana College, 1901–1925
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\How Newness Enters the World\: Cultural Creolization in Swedish-American Hymnals Published at Augustana College, 1901–1925
\How Newness Enters the World\: Cultural Creolization in Swedish-American Hymnals Published at Augustana College, 1901–1925

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\How Newness Enters the World\: Cultural Creolization in Swedish-American Hymnals Published at Augustana College, 1901–1925
\How Newness Enters the World\: Cultural Creolization in Swedish-American Hymnals Published at Augustana College, 1901–1925
Journal Article

\How Newness Enters the World\: Cultural Creolization in Swedish-American Hymnals Published at Augustana College, 1901–1925

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\"Creole cultures-like creole languages-are intrinsically of mixed origin, the confluence of two or more widely separated historical currents, in what is basically a center/periphery relationship,\" says Hannerz. [...]he broadens the context from specific developments in colonial history to a generalized process whereby any subordinate, or peripheral, culture creates hybrid forms that modify its dominant, or central, cultural norms and thereby \"put things together in new ways.\" [...]I believe it wouldn't be going too far to say the immigrants already had a mixed, or partly creolized, musical heritage when they arrived in America. Svenska Psalm-Boken af àr 1819, Förenad med Koral-bok och Svenska Messan med Körer for Sopran-, Alt-, Tenor- och Basröste, ed. Since the Swedish word \"psalmer\" is used for hymns as well as the psalms of David, I follow Swedish-American usage when referring to the 1819 psalmbook, or hymnal, and use the terms \"psalm\" and \"hymn\" interchangeably when referring to Lutheran chorales and the older Swedish hymnody. 34. First Lutheran Church-Love Grows Here.