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Phenolic Profiling of Flax Highlights Contrasting Patterns in Winter and Spring Varieties
Phenolic Profiling of Flax Highlights Contrasting Patterns in Winter and Spring Varieties
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Phenolic Profiling of Flax Highlights Contrasting Patterns in Winter and Spring Varieties
Phenolic Profiling of Flax Highlights Contrasting Patterns in Winter and Spring Varieties

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Phenolic Profiling of Flax Highlights Contrasting Patterns in Winter and Spring Varieties
Phenolic Profiling of Flax Highlights Contrasting Patterns in Winter and Spring Varieties
Journal Article

Phenolic Profiling of Flax Highlights Contrasting Patterns in Winter and Spring Varieties

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Flax ( ) is a plant grown in temperate regions either for its fiber or for its seeds, which are rich in the essential fatty acid omega-3. It is also well known as a source of medicinal compounds. The chemical composition of its leaves is currently poorly described. In order to fill this gap, we have conducted a comprehensive analysis of flax leaf metabolome. The exploration of the metabolome allowed the characterization of compounds isolated for the first time in flax leaves. These molecules were isolated by preparative HPLC and then characterized by NMR, LC-MS and standard analysis. This work extended our picture of -glycosyl-flavonoids and coniferyl alcohol derivatives accumulated in flax. The follow-up of the content of these different metabolites via UPLC-MS revealed significant accumulation differences in spring and winter flax leaves. In particular, two methylated -glycosylflavonoids (swertisin and swertiajaponin) were the most abundant phenolic compounds in winter flax whereas they were not detected in spring flax. This result suggests that these 2 compounds are involved in cold stress tolerance in flax.