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Prenylated Phenol and Benzofuran Derivatives from Aspergillus terreus EN-539, an Endophytic Fungus Derived from Marine Red Alga Laurencia okamurai
Prenylated Phenol and Benzofuran Derivatives from Aspergillus terreus EN-539, an Endophytic Fungus Derived from Marine Red Alga Laurencia okamurai
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Prenylated Phenol and Benzofuran Derivatives from Aspergillus terreus EN-539, an Endophytic Fungus Derived from Marine Red Alga Laurencia okamurai
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Prenylated Phenol and Benzofuran Derivatives from Aspergillus terreus EN-539, an Endophytic Fungus Derived from Marine Red Alga Laurencia okamurai
Prenylated Phenol and Benzofuran Derivatives from Aspergillus terreus EN-539, an Endophytic Fungus Derived from Marine Red Alga Laurencia okamurai

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Prenylated Phenol and Benzofuran Derivatives from Aspergillus terreus EN-539, an Endophytic Fungus Derived from Marine Red Alga Laurencia okamurai
Prenylated Phenol and Benzofuran Derivatives from Aspergillus terreus EN-539, an Endophytic Fungus Derived from Marine Red Alga Laurencia okamurai
Journal Article

Prenylated Phenol and Benzofuran Derivatives from Aspergillus terreus EN-539, an Endophytic Fungus Derived from Marine Red Alga Laurencia okamurai

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Three new prenylated phenol derivatives, terreprenphenols A-C ( -3), along with four known related compounds ( - ), were isolated from EN-539, an endophytic fungus obtained from the marine red alga . The structures of these compounds were established by extensive analysis of 1D/2D NMR data, mass spectrometric data, and optical rotation (OR). The corresponding relationship between absolute configuration and optical rotation for known compounds anodendroic acid ( ) and asperterreusine C ( ) was ambiguous in literature, and their absolute configurations were therefore discussed and confirmed for the first time by time-dependent density functional (TDDFT) ECD and OR calculations. Compounds - inhibited some common aquatic bacteria with MIC values ranging from 2 to 64 μg/mL.